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Our Planet

The climate impacts the life-threatening situations in which our products and services help save lives. Working towards our climate goal, building in more circularity and the targeted use of resources will help us mitigate and adapt to protect our planet.

Our 2028 targets

  • 5% reduction per annum scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions as a percentage of revenue (2021 base year)
  • 5% reduction per annum scrap 
(percentage of scrap)
  • 5% increase in revenue per square foot annually

Our Approach

  • We promote a continuous improvement culture throughout the organisation and encourage lean thinking with Kaizen events taking place frequently.
  • We have identified  net zero actions which will help us to reduce our energy use and carbon emissions. These include embedding a net zero mindset, assessing energy efficiency options and looking at opportunities to source electricity from renewable sources. We also continue to assess our scope 3 emissions to establish our base line. Our Net Zero teams help us to identify and implement these opportunities at a site level.
  • The transform element of our STAR strategy helps to concentrate on proven transformation strategies including streamlining pro-cesses, optimising resources, and embracing innovative approaches. Our transformation programme includes footprint optimisation and operational excellence which will be a big driver in reducing our environmental impact over the medium term.


  • Strengthen
  • Transform


  • UN SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy
  • UN SDG 9
  • UN SDG 12
  • UN SDG 13

For more information on our approach to sustainability, see the latest sustainability report in the 2023 Annual Report.

For more information on the preparation of our annual greenhouse gas emission data and environmental data, see our Methodology Statement.

Sustainability in action

In 2023, we initiated efforts to invest in low carbon and renewable energy sources as part of our commitment to achieving net zero by 2045.

Focusing on absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions, our net zero teams identified a manufacturing facility for the purchase of carbon-free electricity, sourced from solar, wind, and nuclear sources. Certificates covering 100% of the facility's load were acquired, ensuring emission-free attributes through emission-free energy certificates (EFECs). We continue to explore opportunities to source alternative sources of energy, alongside reducing energy consumption and improving efficiencies in the first instance. 

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